Social Sciences Division
Professor, Emerita
McHenry Library
Wednesdays 1:00-3:00
Education Department
Ph.D. University of Iowa, Language, Literacy, and Culture
M.A. University of Iowa, English (emphasis on nonfiction writing)
B.S. University of Illinois, English Education
Critical sociocultural theory; Critical literacy; Identity, emotion & learning; Critical discourse analysis; Classroom discourse; Classroom ethnography; Literary response and English education.
My research draws on critical sociocultural theory to examine the following:
1. how identity, agency, and power shape learning.
2. how educational inequities are produced through micro-interactions
3. how classroom interaction can be leveraged to support equity, access, and opportunities to learn.
4. the sociocultural dimensions of literacy learning in and out of school, with a special focus on critical literacy and critical media analysis and production
I have conducted classroom ethnographies based on partnerships with schools and teachers in both urban and rural settings. These studies address macro-level issues related to equity, access, and opportunities to learn through detailed analyses of patterns of classroom discourse. Recent publications have focused on the role of emotion in students’ critical engagement with media texts and ideas. My current research uses Cultural Historical Activity Theory to examine the role of interaction and other components of activity across school, library, and community settings when digital media creation is central to engagement in learning.
I enjoy working with students at all levels. At the undergraduate level, I have taught courses on language and learning, the social contexts of learning, and literacy research and practice. At the masters level, I have taught research and practice in the teaching of English and writing , classroom interaction, and ideology in young adult literature. At the PhD level I have taught courses on sociocultural learning theory, critical discourse analysis, and research on classroom discourse.
I am an AERA Fellow and have served as a member of the Board of Directors for the Literacy Research Association, the executive board of the National Conference on Research in Language and Literacy (NCRLL), a member of the Standing Committee on Research (NCTE), and President of the National Council of Teachers of English Assembly for Research (NCTEAR).
I have served on the editorial advisory boards for all of the primary literacy research journals, currently serving on the boards for Research in the Teaching of English and The Journal of Literacy Research. I also serve on the editorial board of Critical Issues in Language Studies and Education Sciences. In the past, I have served on the editorial board of Reading Research Quarterly, Written Communication, Pedagogies, an International Journal.
I have won awards for my leadership (Educational Leadership Award, University of Minnesota) teaching (Robert H. Beck Faculty Teaching Award, University of Minnesota), advising/mentorship (AERA, Division G Mentoring Award and the Outstanding Academic Adviser Award, University of Minnesota), and scholarship (Promising Researcher Award from NCTE; The Edward B. Fry Book Award from the Literacy Research Association, awarded twice for two different books). I also was the recipient of a National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship.
My research has been funded by the Spencer Foundation, the National Council of Teachers of English, and the W.T. Grant Foundation.