she, her, her, hers, herself
Social Sciences Division
Assistant Professor of Critical Studies in Education
Critical Race and Ethnic Studies
McHenry Library
Education Department
Ph.D. Education, University of California, Los Angeles
M.A. Education, California teaching credential in secondary English, Stanford University
B.A. English Education, concentration in Child & Adolescent Development, San Jose State University
Antiracist Pedagogy; Co-Design Research; Critical Race Video Ethnography; Embodiment; Micro-Interactional Analysis of Social Reproduction & Social Transformation; Multimodal Methodology; Race, Racialization, Racial Literacy; Teachers of Color; Teacher Learning & Teacher Education
Born and raised in the Bay Area, Dr. Josephine H. Pham served as a K-12 teacher in her own communities, as a teacher educator in Los Angeles and Orange County, CA communities, and as an assistant professor at CSU Fullerton before joining UCSC. Drawing upon critical social theories of race and methodological tools from literacy, learning sciences, and educational anthropology, Pham’s interdisciplinary research blends counternarratives, video ethnography, and the arts to examine the micro-interactional processes of social reproduction and social transformation in in/formal educational contexts. Her program of research explores three interrelated stands of inquiry, which include: (1) the pedagogical and leadership practices of justice-centered teachers of color, (2) antiracist teacher education and professional development, and (3) co-design approaches to research that are attuned with the daily livelihood, wellness, and aspirations of communities of color and other marginalized groups.
National Academy of Education / Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2024
Research Development Award, National Academy of Education / Spencer Foundation, 2023
Hellman Fellowship, UCSC, 2023-2024
Sprout Grants Faculty Fellowship, UCSC Institute for Social Transformation, 2022
Cultivating New Voices (CNV) among Scholars of Color Fellowship, Research Foundation of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), 2020-2022
Concha Delgado Gaitán Early Career Presidential Fellowship, Council of Anthropolology in Education (CAE) of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), 2020
Curriculum Inquiry Writing Fellowship, Curriculum Inquiry Journal, 2020
Outstanding Dissertation Award, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Division K: Teaching and Teacher Education, 2020
Outstanding Dissertation Award, UCLA School of Education & Information Studies, 2019